COVID-19 UPDATE 28/03/2020
We Continue To Operate!
Fusion Care are continuing to operate to meet the contractual obligations in place to meet the needs of all young people under our support. Fusion pride ourselves on being able to continue our support services in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Young people who have support up to 24 hours per day continue to have staff with them. If staff present with any symptoms they must follow government guidance.
Young people who receive floating support with or without accommodation will continue too. Our support workers will follow all government guidance and any new instruction from their social workers.
It is important now more than ever that we continue to provide support, emotionally as well as practically to all young people!
As the country faces lock-down for the foreseeable period we are continuing to make sure that:
- young people have plenty of food in their cupboards (providing food parcels where necessary)
- young people are encouraged to go for a walk each day to get fresh air
- support workers ensure social distancing when meeting young people
- daily phone calls to ensure well-being
- support sessions are in place where necessary
- hygiene and nutrition is continually promoted

How Are We Helping Our Staff?
Support workers have always been provided with an allowance each week for cleaning supplies to ensure that all shared areas are kept to a high standard. During this time, we have provided additional resources to cover additional use of cleaning products etc.
Support workers have all been supported financially to purchase resources to keep them safe. This is to cover additional use of hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial wash, soap, disposable gloves and so on. All employees are trusted to make sensible purchases.

What if staff fall ill?
We continue to follow all guidance stipulated by the UK government.
Staff are expected to self-isolate if they have received a letter from the NHS for 12 weeks due to their vulnerabilities. Otherwise staff are expected to isolate for 7 – 14 days.
For more information please follow this link

What is furlough?
“If you and your employer both agree, your employer might be able to keep you on the payroll if they’re unable to operate or have no work for you to do because of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is known as being ‘on furlough’.”
Currently under the existing circumstances, Fusion are very proud to say that we can continue to support young people and therefore our support workers have not been relieved of any duties.
Some individuals may need to practice ‘shielding’ this is known as protecting those who are extremely vulnerable who you may live with. In such exceptional circumstances we are fully supportive of employees who fall into the following categories;
If you need a self-isolation note
Use this service if you have been told to self-isolate because of coronavirus and you need a note for your employer.
This service is only for people who:
- have symptoms of coronavirus and have used the 111 online coronavirus service
- have been told by a healthcare professional they have symptoms of coronavirus
- live with someone who has symptoms of coronavirus
If you are not sure if you need to self-isolate, get the latest NHS advice on coronavirus.