If you are passionate about what you do and are prepared to learn you can achieve anything

Louise Huddart – Social Worker

We are having a celebration because Louise has completed her Social Work Degree training and achieved a FIRST in her degree! We are so proud of you!

We asked Louise some questions about her experience completing an apprenticeship programme with the University of Central Lancashire whilst working full time with Fusion Care. Louise has worked in challenging and complex environments and has demonstrated a great awareness of Social Work theory and practice. However, most importantly, she has supported our young people towards independence as they have experienced transitioning through ‘leaving care’.


How did you find out about Fusion Care’s social work apprenticeship programme with UCLAN?

  • I was asked by my management if I would be interested in completing a social work degree as they felt this would be good for my professional development. I was provided with information regarding the course. With the positivity from management  and confidence they had in me I agreed to apply.


Can you give us a run through of your journey from year 1, 2 and 3?

  • I was very unsure and nervous about the experience as I am not the best academically  and was unsure if I was able to complete the tasks required, however, with the knowledge I held from providing practical support from my employment I was able to use this to understand the modules. Each year the level of theory, assignments etc had increasing difficulty however with the knowledge gained from the lectures, modules, lecturers/professors I was able to understand the theory and methods there delivered. Year 3 made me anxious due the end point assessment however part of the assessment was based on my practice and in the ends this assessment providing me with one of my highest grades.


How do you feel that you benefitted from undertaking the degree apprenticeship instead of a traditional degree?

  • I feel the apprenticeship route is better than a full time degree as you are working in the environment that you are learning about. It has helped me understand  the skills, theories and methods that are required to be put into practice and why we do this.

I believe the apprenticeship degree has provided me with lots of knowledge and understanding of what is required for  a social worker role. I am able to demonstrate this to others and to help my team and colleagues understand how to apply knowledge, theory and methods to their work performance.


What was your biggest learning curve and how do you feel you will apply this in your work and future career?

  • I feel I have a better understanding social work skills, theories, methods, terminology, legislation and how to put this into practice. I became mindful that a lot of the skills, theories and methods I was learning about I  was already applying this to my practice without me actually realising. I will continue to apply my new found knowledge to my practice daily.


Would you recommend others to complete a Social Work Apprenticeship?

  • I would most definitely recommend the apprenticeship programme to others.


What are you most looking forwards to as practicing as a Social Worker with Fusion?

  • Now I am a newly registered qualified social worker I am looking forward to the new  roles and challenges ahead and to continue with my new journey  with other learning opportunities to continue to improve my professional development.

“I would like to thank Fusion Care for giving me this opportunity to complete a social work degree as I never ever thought I was clever enough or capable to attend university and complete a degree. With the encouragement and belief from management I was proved wrong. If you are passionate about what you do and are prepared to learn you can achieve anything.”

Louise Huddart

Social Worker, Fusion Care