Fusion Care Achieve 94.8% on Placements North West Framework Tender
Fusion Care have been working tirelessly to reflect the dedication we have given to young people in the North West over the past ten years.
Below are a few words from our Office Manager Diane Nuttall, who successfully achieved 100% in our Social Value Report. Our Social Value Report reflects the investment we put back into the local environment, society and our economic value which we give back.
We are over the moon to announce that we have successfully tendered onto the Placement’s North West framework for the next 10 years!
We achieved 94.8% and will continue to dedicate the next ten years to supporting children and young people from across the North West!
None of this would be possible without our amazing and committed staff team who are there for young people every day. Our staff team have worked continuously throughout the coronavirus pandemic and have been there for young people when they need them!